Development tools
- Microsoft Front Page
- Micromedia DreamWeaver MX
Singleline: Any text after // and before end of line.Multiline: Any text between /* and */
Javascript code can be placed anywhere in html document e.g body,head etc<script type="text">Javascript from external source
JavaScript code
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> or <script type="text/javascript" src="file:///sdcard/file.js"></script>
Javascript statements are separated by semi-colonsJavascript ignores whitespaces. Use them to format your code
var a = 5; //a statement alert(a*a); // another statement
To provide visible data to user javascript uses:- print(text/variable)
- alert(text/variable)
- console.log(text/variable)
- document.write(text/variable)
- element.innerHTML=text/variable
They are used to temporarily store datavar a = 5; //Number var b= "Titus"; //String var c = true; //Boolean var d= ["Joy","James"]; //Array var e ={firstName:"John",lastName:"Kamau"}; //Object var f=new Function(params); //Function
Must begin with a letter,underscore or dollar signCase sensitive and unique
Global:- Outside FunctionsLocal:- Inside functions
without a var keyword the variable is global
- + Addition
- - Subtraction
- * Multiplication
- / Division
- % Modulus
- ++ Increment
- -- Decrement
- == Equal to
- === Equal value
- != Not equal
- !== Not equal value and type
- > Greater than
- < Less than
- >= Greater or equal to
- <= Less or equal to
- ? Ternary/Conditional operator
- + Combine two strings
- += Add more strings to a variable
- =
- +=
- -=
- *=
- /=
- %=
- && And
- || Or
- ! Not
- & AND
- | OR=
- ~ NOT
- ^ XOR
- << Left Shift
- >> Right Shift
- typeof(variable): returns the data type
- delete: Deletes a property from object
- in: Checks a property in object
- instanceof:
- void: No return
Data types
- Strings: "Titus"
- Numbers: 5
- Arrays: []
- Booleans: true or false
- Objects: {}
- Functions
Function is a block of code that perform a particular function. It is executed when invoked. A function is reusable and is accesible from any part of a programfunction myFunction(p1,p2){ return p1*p2; }
Coditional Statements
To write a code that thinks you have to put conditionsCondition is a statement that returns true or false
if(condition){ code block executed if condition is true }
if(condition){ code block executed if condition is true } else{ code block executed if condition is false }
if...else if...else
if(condition){ code block executed if condition is true } else if(condition2){ code block executed if condition2 is true } else{ code block executed if condition is false }
switch is a more simpler version of if..else if..elseswitch(data){ case condition: code block executed if condition is equal to data; break; case condition2: code block executed if condition2 is equal to data; break; default: code block executed if all conditions are not met; }
Loop is piece of code is executed many times repeatedlyfor
for(initialization;condition;interation){ code block } // initialization: initialise a variable e.g i=0 //condition : set a condition e.g i<10 //intelation : increment or decrement e.g i++,i--,i=i+2
It loops through properties in an objectfor(property in object){ code block } //example for(x in window){ document.write(x); }
You have to satisfy condition from the block of code else it will run endlessly.while(condition){ code block } //example while(i<10){ document.write(i); i++ }
do.. .while
Checks condition after code executiondo{ code block; } while(condition)break is used to jump out of loop
continue break one interation with a condition and continues to the next
- To String: String(variable)
- To Number: Number(variable)
- To Float: parseFloat( variable)
- To Interger: parseInt(variable,base)
- To Array: new Array(variables)
- To Object: new Object(variables)
- To Function: new Function(variables)
Regular expressions
It is a sequence of characters that form a search pattern/pattern/modifiers
- i: case insensitive
- g: global
- m: multiline
String methods used
- match()
- search()
- replace()
Handling errors
try{ block of code without knowledge of error } catch(error){ block of code with knowledge of error } finally{ block of code executed whether there was an error or not. }
onerror (Document Object Model)
onerror= function(error){ handle error}
Global methods
- decodeURI()
- decodeURI()Component
- encodeURI()
- encodeURIComponent()
- escape()
- unescape
- eval(expression): evaluates an expession/block of code/function/string etc
- isNaN: checks whether a variable is a number
- isFinite(number): checks whether number has reached infinity
- parseInt(number): converts to interger
- parseFloat(number): converts to float
Javascript Object Notation{ "action":"android.intent.action.VIEW", "type" : "message/rfc822", "data":"/sdcard/hd.jpg", "extras" : {name:"android.intent.extra.EMAIL", type:"list", value:""} }
JSON methods
JSON.stringify(object) Converts object to JSONJSON.parse(JSON) Converts JSON to Object
- data is in quotes
- Array is inside []
- Object is inside {}
Best Practices
- Initialize your variables with var keyword
- Slow code: for(i=0;i<array.length;i++){}
- Fast code: var len = array.length; for(i=0;i<len;i++){}
- End statements with a semi-colon. Not a must when each statement is on its own line
- Dont use reserved words as variable names