App object
app is the main object apart from the window object which provides the methods that interact with java and android classes.
It contains the following methods
GetType() | |
GetObjects() | Gets All Objects |
Exit( kill ) | Exits the app |
ToBack() | |
Execute( js ) | Executes a piece of code |
StartApp( file,options,intent ) | Starts app from javascript f file.Options include debug |
StopApp( name ) | |
SetScreenMode( mode ) | Sets screen mode to either full or not full |
SetOptions( options ) | |
SetTheme( theme ) | |
SetPosition( left,top,width,height,options ) | |
SetBackColor( clr ) | |
StartService( packageName,className ) | Starts a service |
StopService() | Stops a service |
StartDebugServer() | |
SendIntent( packageName,className,action,category,uri,type,extras,options,callback ) | Sends an intent |
BroadcastIntent( action,category,data,type,extras ) | Broadcasts intent |
SendMessage( msg ) | |
LoadScript( url, callback ) | Loads an external script file to your code |
LoadPlugin( url ) | Loads an external plugin to your code |
Try( p1,p2,p3 ) | |
SysExec( cmd,options ) | |
Odroid( p1,p2,p3 ) | |
GetName() | |
GetPath() | Gets the storage path of droidscript app i.e "/sdcard/Droidscript" |
GetAppName() | Gets the name of your app |
GetAppPath() | Gets the path to your droidscript app i.e "/sdcard/DroidScript/Appname" |
GetVersion() | |
GetDSVersion() | |
IsNewVersion() | |
IsAPK() | |
IsPremium() | |
GetPackageName() | |
CheckLicense( key ) | |
GetAccounts() | |
GetUser() | Gets user of the device i.e can be your email |
GetDeviceId() | |
GetCountryCode() | |
GetLanguageCode() | |
GetCountry() | |
GetLanguage() | |
GetOptions() | |
GetSharedText( index ) | Get Shared text fron other apps |
GetSharedFiles() | Gets shared files from other apps |
GetActivities( options ) | |
IsAppInstalled( packageName ) | |
GetInstalledApps() | Returns Installed apps as an array of objects bearing the properties such as package name |
GetRunningApps() | Returns running apps as an array of objects bearing the properties such as package name |
GetRunningServices() | Returns Running services asan array of objects bearing the properties such as package name |
GetIntent() | |
GetNotifyId() | |
SetSharedApp( name ) | |
GetMediaFile( appName,ext ) | |
KillApp( procId ) | |
CreateShortcut( name,iconFile,file,options ) | Create a shortcut to homescreen |
GetBuildNum() | |
GetOSVersion() | |
GetModel() | |
IsTablet() | |
IsChrome() | |
SetOnError( callback ) | |
SetOnDebug( callback ) | |
SetOnKey( callback ) | |
SetOnShowKeyboard( callback ) | |
DisableKeys( keyList ) | |
GetIPAddress() | |
GetMacAddress() | |
GetSSID() | |
Broadcast( type,msg ) | |
SetOnBroadcast( callback ) | |
SetData( name,value ) | |
GetData( name ) | |
SetClipboardText( txt ) | |
GetClipboardText() | |
EnableBackKey( enable ) | Either true or false. Prevents app exit when back key is pressed |
Wait( secs ) | Pauses the app for the number of seconds in the parameter |
Alert( msg,title,options,hue ) | Shows a popup with a message |
HideKeyboard( hide ) | Hides Keyboard |
ShowKeyboard( obj ) | Shows Keyboard even withot a text edit |
IsKeyboardShown() | |
GetKeyboardHeight() | |
TextToSpeech( text,pitch,rate,callback,stream,locale ) | |
Debug( msg ) | |
SetDebugEnabled( enable ) | true or false |
CreateDebug() | |
ShowDebug( show ) | |
SendMail( address,subject,body,attach ) | |
SendFile( file,subject,text ) | Send file to other apps |
_Extract( p1 ) | |
ExtractAssets( src,dest,overwrite ) | |
GetResourceId( name,options ) | |
Vibrate( pattern ) | app.Vibrate("23,45,67,89") |
ShowPopup( msg,options ) | Shows a toast |
ShowProgress( msg,options ) | Shows a progress that cuts user interaction untill its over |
HideProgress() | Hides progress. Please ensure you hide progress otherwise you will need to kill droidscript app in order to stop it |
ShowProgressBar( title,percent ) | |
UpdateProgressBar( percent ) | |
HideProgressBar() | |
LoadText( name,dflt,file ) | Loads text from the private folder |
LoadNumber( name,dflt,file ) | Loads number from the private folder |
LoadBoolean( name,dflt,file ) | Loads boolean from the private folder |
SaveText( name,value,file ) | Saves text to the private folder |
SaveNumber( name,value,file ) | Saves number to the private folder |
SaveBoolean( name,value,file ) | Saves boolean to the private folder |
ClearData( file ) | Clear data in the private folder |
GetTop() | |
GetScreenWidth() | |
GetScreenHeight() | |
GetScreenDensity() | |
GetDisplayWidth() | |
GetDisplayHeight() | |
GetDefaultOrientation() | |
GetOrientation() | |
SetOrientation( orient,callback ) | |
GetRotation() | |
GetBatteryLevel() | Gets battery level |
PreventScreenLock( mode ) | |
PreventWifiSleep() | |
SetWifiEnabled( enable ) | |
IsWifiEnabled() | |
SetBluetoothEnabled( enable ) | |
IsBluetoothEnabled() | |
SetRingerMode( mode ) | |
GetRingerMode() | |
SetVolume( stream,level ) | |
GetVolume( stream ) | |
SetTitle( title ) | |
SetMenu( list,iconPath ) | Sets menu options |
ShowMenu() | Shows menu without touching menu button |
AddLayout( layout ) | |
RemoveLayout( layout ) | |
DestroyLayout( layout ) | |
MakeFolder( fldr ) | |
GetPrivateFolder( name ) | |
GetDatabaseFolder() | |
DeleteDatabase( name ) | |
FolderExists( fldr ) | |
FileExists( file ) | |
IsFolder( fldr ) | |
ListFolder( path,filter,limit,options ) | |
GetExternalFolder() | |
GetInternalFolder() | |
GetSpecialFolder( name ) | |
GetEnv( name ) | |
ReadFile( file,encoding ) | |
WriteFile( file,text,mode,encoding ) | |
OpenFile( file,type,choose ) | |
OpenUrl( url,type,choose ) | |
DeleteFile( file ) | |
CopyFile( src,dest ) | |
CopyFolder( src,dest,overwrite,filter ) | |
DeleteFolder( fldr ) | |
RenameFile( src,dest ) | |
RenameFolder( src,dest ) | |
UnzipFile( src,dest ) | |
ZipFile( src,dest ) | |
ZipFolder( src,dest ) | |
GetFreeSpace( mode ) | |
GetFileDate( file ) | |
GetFileSize( file ) | |
GetLastButton() | |
GetLastToggle() | |
GetLastCheckBox() | |
GetLastImage() | |
IsBluetoothOn() | |
IsScreenOn() | |
GoToSleep() | |
SetScreenBrightness( level ) | |
GetMetadata( file,keys ) | |
SetAlarm( type,id,callback,time,interval ) | |
Call( number ) | |
SimulateTouch( obj,x,y,dir ) | |
SimulateKey( obj,keyName,modifiers,pause ) | |
GetJoystickState( id,key ) | |
GetJoystickName( id ) | |
SetJoystickOptions( options ) | |
SetAutoBoot( auto ) | |
SetAutoWifi( auto ) | |
SetAutoStart( appName ) | |
HttpRequest( type,baseUrl,path,params,callback,headers ) | |
UploadFile( url,file,name,callback ) | |
SaveCookies() | |
ClearCookies( session ) | |
SetUserAgent( agent ) | |
SetUserCreds( name,password ) | |
CreateLayout( type,options ) | |
CreateImage( file,width,height,options,w,h ) | |
CreateButton( text,width,height,options ) | |
CreateToggle( text,width,height,options ) | |
CreateCheckBox( text,width,height,options ) | |
CreateSpinner( list,width,height,options ) | |
CreateSeekBar( width,height,options ) | |
CreateText( text,width,height,options ) | |
CreateTextEdit( text,width,height,options ) | |
CreateList( list,width,height,options ) | |
CreateWebView( width,height,options,zoom ) | |
CreateScroller( width,height,options ) | |
CreateCameraView( width,height,options ) | |
CreateVideoView( width,height,options ) | |
CreateWebGLView( width,height,options ) | |
CreateCodeEdit( text,width,height,options ) | |
CreateTheme( baseTheme ) | |
CreateYesNoDialog( msg,options ) | |
CreateListDialog( title,list,options ) | |
CreateListView( list,title,options ) | |
CreateBluetoothList( filter ) | |
CreateAudioRecorder() | |
CreateSMS() | |
CreateEmail( account,password ) | |
CreateSmartWatch( type ) | |
CreateCrypt( options ) | |
CreateSpeechRec( options ) | |
CreatePhoneState( types ) | |
CreateDialog( title,options ) | |
CreateMediaPlayer() | |
CreateSensor( type,options ) | |
CreateLocator( type,options ) | |
CreateNetClient( type ) | |
CreateNxtRemote() | |
CreateWebServer( port,options ) | |
CreateUSBSerial( baudRate,dataBits,stopBits,parity,device ) | |
CreateSysProc( cmd ) | |
CreateService( packageName,className,callback,options ) | |
CreateObject( name ) | |
CreateSynth( type ) | |
CreateBluetoothSerial( mode ) | |
CreateZipUtil( mode ) | |
CreateDownloader( options ) | |
CreateMediaStore() | |
CreatePlayStore() | |
CreateNotification( options ) | |
CreateFile( file,mode ) | |
Start() | |
CreateNxt() | |
CreateTabs( list,width,height,options ) | |
CreateWebSocket( id,ip,port,options ) | |
CreateGLView( width,height,options ) | |
OpenDatabase( name ) |